Yoga means union and is a tool to help us heal and improve our wellness holistically. Yoga poses help refine our bodies and reveal our patterns so we can heal and transform our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. With racism, trauma, mental illnesses, and diseases that disproportionally impact our community, tools like yoga are needed now more than ever. Benefits such as flexibility, strength and weight loss will be achieved with a consistent practice.
Generally, саlоriеѕ burnеd during уоgа range frоm 180 tо 360 calories реr hоur dереnding оn the style of yoga. Below are 5 poses to include in your yoga practice to challenge your core and help you reach your weight loss goals. These poses are perfect for all levels of yoga experience.The most important part is that you take deep, smooth breaths in each pose to release tension in your muscles so you can hold each pose without strain. As always, honor your body when practicing yoga and if you feel any pain release the pose completely.
Step-by-step instructions and video demonstrations for each pose are available here.
Downward Facing Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
Downward Facing Dog is one pose you are likely to see in any yoga class. It strengthens the arms and legs and stretches the shoulders, hamstrings, calves, arches, and hands. It can also relieve stress, headache, back pain and fatigue.
Chair Pose (Utkatasana)
Chair Pose aka Fierce pose is a fundamental pose in Sun Salutation A. It helps energize the whole body, strengthen the lower body, and stretch the upper body. The body position is also known to stimulate confidence.
Warrior II Pose (Virabhadrasana II)
Classical yoga text states that Virabhadrasana II aka Warrior II is named after a fierce warrior. Today, many yoga practitioners think of this warrior as a “spiritual warrior” whom battles the universal enemy of self-ignorance which is said to be the source of suffering.
What do you want your inner warrior to battle? Let it battle anything that no longer serves you or just experience the pose.
Boat Pose (Navasana) modified
Whenever you want to strengthen your core and tone your abs, try Boat Pose. It activates your core and strengthens the abs which helps support the lower back and show it love.
Locust Pose (Salabhasana)
This backbend strengthens the muscles of the spine, buttocks, backs of the arms and legs while stretching the shoulders, chest, belly, and thighs. It also improves posture, stimulates abdominal organs and helps relieve stress.
These poses can serve as a resource as you start or continue your weight loss journey. The journey is challenging and you are not expected to master each pose on the first day or even in the first few years. Focus on maintaining a consistent practice. Work toward the full expression of the pose as you gradually hold each pose longer. The more you practice, the quicker you will progress. Most importantly, honor the needs of your body and only hold poses while you can maintain steady breathing. Take rest days as you need. Enjoy the journey!
Access step-by-step pose instructions and video demonstrations here.
Yoga is great. I’m a yogi myself. But make no mistake…. your weight is determined about 80% by your diet. If you eat like a pig, you’ll like one regardless…. of whether you do down dog. I won’t tell you what and what not to eat, the info has been out there for decades…. you already know. The answer is to eat healthfully, lightly and cleanly. Exercise is important, no doubt, but if we’re talking “weight”, look at how much and what you eat.
Thanks for commenting, but no where in this post are we promoting an unhealthy eating diet. We’re just stating how different yoga poses burns more calories than others.