Sometimes, even for the curlier natural hair textures, it’s not about having the most defined wash-n-go, braid-out, or twist-out. A lot of times we want to go big and when I say big, I mean BIG! We want to channel an era where women wore their afros perfectly round, fluffier than ever, and big enough to reach the heavens. If anyone has ever tried to achieve this look then you know that it’s not an easy task figuring out how to replicate a godly-round afro without it falling flat. Many naturals have achieved this look by doing a combination of a braid-out/twist-out, their favorite moisturizer, a pick, and a serious “pat-down” method. Other natural haired women with looser hair textures have perfected this look by doing a wash-n-go using their favorite leave-in or moisturizer, little to no curl enhancing product, a diffuser, a hair pick, and their infamous “pat-down” technique. No matter your hair texture these videos will ensure that you’ll find the right method in order to create your perfect round afro.
I have the best results picking out an old bantu knot set with curl enhancing moisturizer
OMG Yes!! I do the same thing. I usually go for a water based moisturizer so it can get frizzier faster.