The Co Report: Tell us about yourself? Who are you and what do you do?
Reyna: My name is Reyna and I am a high school graphic design and art teacher. I’m a published writer/photographer and artist once I clock out.
TCR: When did you decide to go natural and why?
Reyna: I decided to go natural about 3 1/2 years ago. My hair had started falling out after a bad coloring experience. Over the course of my life I had to watch my hair grow out to be a length I loved and then chop it down once the breakage became unbearable and I got really tired of it. It also had to do with where I was in life. Growing up people praised me for having long hair or not using weaves and I was at a point where I no longer needed others validation.
TCR: What’s your current hair regimen?
Reyna: The longer it grows, the easier it is to manage. Lately, I just do wash days on Sundays, deep condition, wash it all out, apply a leave-in and gel and it lasts for the week.
TCR: What are your must-have natural hair products/hair accessories?
Reyna: I’m constantly re-buying scrunchies because they need to be tight for my puff and two-puff style. I use Eco-Style gel religiously. I’m currently using a natural argan oil conditioner. I love Shea Moisture, OKAY products and anything from Whole Foods.
TCR: What has been the best compliment or most memorable moment as a natural?
Reyna: A girl stopped me in the supermarket once and I had been having a crappy day. She started telling me how beautiful she thought my hair was and how inspiring I was as a person. I guess the confusing showed on my face so she told me she had been following me for a while and wanted to ask me hair advice.
TCR: How do men respond to your hair? Do you feel that natural hair deters men away?
Reyna: It’s actually the opposite. It’s an easy conversation starter for them so at times I have to keep my unapproachable face on, lol. I think at the end of the day men are attracted to confidence and what you do with your hair won’t deter a man that you’re meant to be with. At the end of the day, you don’t want to be with someone that dictates how you style your hair. Trust me, it feels great to be with someone that loves whatever I do to my hair.
TCR: Describe your hair in 4 words?
Reyna: In need of TLC, lol. -Growing -Different -Versatile -Big
TCR: What’s the best benefit of being natural?
Reyna: My hair is never a concern. Everyone wants to go to a water park? Cool. A wedding? Cool. Work? Cool. I can style it so many ways and not worry about needing to have it “touched up” or anything.
TCR: Where can we keep up with you?
Reyna: Instagram – @Reynaaa_, Website/Blog – www.ReynaNoriega.com, Snapchat – reynaaaah