The Inversion Method
There are many methods claiming to grow your hair super fast in a short period of time. Vitamins, various protective styles, trimming split ends regularly, but holding your head upside down?? I was a little skeptical at first, but after seeing so many women around the web have such positive results with this practice I decided to do a little research of my own. Since 400 BC, people have been using various methods of inversion techniques to relieve neck and joint pain, improve posture, get muscle relief and for overall improved blood circulation. So I guess there might be some truth to this after all.
Here are the details:
Start off with massaging your scalp with a heated oil such as coconut oil or olive oil. This will help aid in circulating the blood flow around your scalp. Hold your head upside down for 4 or 5 minutes (don’t exceed 5 minutes). Holding your head down while sitting as if you were painting your toes or by dangling your head off the edge of the bed are the easiest and safest ways. After 4 to 5 minutes, if it’s necessary wash the excess oil from your scalp. You are to repeat this for seven days straight, but cease at the seventh day and start back at the next month. Since your body is being shocked from the blood flow to the scalp this will result in the rapid hair growth that you’ll experience. However, by doing this more than one week out of the month your body will get used to being inverted which will result in no extra hair growth. This is a pretty good claim since hair grows at an average of 1/2 inch per month. With this method you are doubling the growth so you’ll get 1 inch per month which will equal out to 12 inches in a year!! This is good news to those who are trying to reach specific hair goals.
If you’re pregnant or have general medical conditions, I advise that you consult your doctor first before trying the inversion method.
Will you guys be trying this method? For those who have tried the inversion method for hair growth have you seen any results?
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Do we have to wash with shampoo or sime water?
Another way is using these exact steps replacing the olive/coconut oil by spraying water into the hair
I do this method quite a lot because i’m constantly chopping my hair, then growing it out. My family’s hair grows extremely fast, I typically grow 1.5in a month. This method works really well, and when I keep up with it every day, I do see about 3 inches (double) of growth which is insane.
Your oil does not have to be warm though, also, I recommend this at night because after you can wrap your hair and let the oil sink in and it will leave your hair super soft when you wash it in the AM.
What do you use to make it grow what method
Thank you for sharing. I hope you don’t mind me asking, what is your hair type? I want to try this method. I also don’t want to waste time if it doesn’t work.
Thank you for reading. I don’t hair type, but you can check out my instagram page that will show you the type of hair that I have. https://www.instagram.com/cocobates_/
This is what my hair looks like wet with conditioner: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bdv802Mgl3I/?taken-by=cocobates_
you did this every day? not 7 days and resuming a month later
Correct! Just one week out of the month
We have to do this regularly for 7 days or anyday in a month?
I tried the inversion method for a week with warm olive oil, got very little growth… (I have a colored pixie right now, and had about half an inch of root growth already. I didn’t even get an inch of root from that starting point.)
But it did wonders for the texture of my hair, it’s ridiculously soft now, feels like I never did anything to damage it ever.
For me, experiment with using different oils, which can be a pain. I found that coconut oil mixed with lavender essential oil works very well for me. I never noticed a difference with my texture though, but I haven’t been doing it consistently lately. It’s crazy how the same method can have different effects on many people.
That’s the oil and the massage that you do to your scalp that makes our hair to grow healthier. 🙂
You could have gotten only an half of inch because you colored your hair, and cut it at the same time. I would recommend that you try the experience again, and see if it works better for you as far as length goes. The fact that it only changed your hair texture let’s me know that your hair was severally damaged.
How much oil? And is it best to leave it in when you’re done, or to wash it out?
Apply only enough oil so that it covers the scalp without it being greasy. The best way that I’ve found to do this is to put my oil of choice (usually a mixture of coconut oil, vitamin E oil and lavender essential oil) into an applicator bottle. I put a few droplets onto various sections of my scalp and massage it in.
For leaving oil in the hair or not, I would let your hair’s characteristics be the determining factor. If your hair begins to looked weighed down or stringy then by all means wash it out, I suggest a co-wash (washing your hair with conditioner only). If that’s not the case then save yourself some time and leave in the oil.
**With this method make sure you use 100% natural oils. My #1 recommendation is to use coconut oil because of its ability to absorb into the hair strands and scalp. You wont get that feeling of product just sitting on your hair.
it says wash the oil EVERY DAY.
I mean it’s obvious otherwise it would be super greasy.
But do you wash it with shampoo everyday ? I mean, just using water won’t get rid of the oils. And washing your hair with shampoo is also quite bad and damaging.
For example, I have very curly and dry hair and I normally only wash it with shampoo once again. Otherwise it will be dry, damaged and really frizzy.
Can someone please help me out?
Thanks for your comment. It depends on your hair texture and density if you were to wash it everyday. You can always dilute the shampoo if need be. I personally, have stopped using shampoo. Washing your hair with a mud wash will be great. I use Bentonite clay, apple cider vinegar and pure aloe vera juice. Mix it and pour it into an applicator bottle. This can be used as a daily shampoo. It wont strip your hair of its natural oils and will work wonders on your curls!
Would you please give amounts for the mud wash you use. I would love to try it. I too have curly/wavy hair but it’s also fine. And I’m losing a lot of it. I think I have the female version of a receding hairline and balding. So for me I’ll try anything to grow hair again.
don’t worry! this advice is COMPLETE BULLSHIT. Do what you already do and live with it or get extensions (clip in, permanent, who gives a damn- clip ins are probably best if you don’t want to risk wrecking your hair).
Stop hating yourself and love you for having hair at all! You’ll be fine!
Hmm… You should give a thorough explanation on how doing something as natural as what was explained “Complete Bullshit” … I’ll wait
Sorry but you honesty think 1 inch of hair can grow in ONE week???? Honey this ain’t natural by no means if you’re popping pills. And holding you head upside down, please, I highly doubt you experienced an inch in a week. Please go tell a doctor your method and watch them laugh in your face
Well aren’t we a snooty one?
If you thought this method is a joke then why comment? Better yet why even take the time to even read it? Go find a hobby to occupy your time dear. For the record, doctors don’t know everything, they’very been wrong so many times thank you very much!
This “don’t worry” person needs to have several seats. Obviously what they’ve been doing hasn’t worked thus far. If someone wants longer hair, etc. They should do what’s good for them and not just surrender. Though you can’t try everything that’s out there, do something to bring about results you want. Don’t let anyone tell you to stop or not go after your goal. Jus because that method didn’t work for them theyre telling you its bullshit. a person who wants long hair is not hating themselves..if you can’t offer encouragement, then don’t say anything!
This is absolute bullshit, sorry ladies but you’re naive if you honestly buy into this!!
You people are so mean. Every woman’s body is different, so everything may work differently for certain women. I have curly thin hair and it falls out easily. Nothing worked for me until I started to use coconut oil and olive oil and I would massage it in and only shampoo my hair when rinsing it out. I would only condition my hair if I didn’t use the oils before showering. And I would only wash my hair every other day. My hair grew a inch every 3 weeks and this is the best its been. My cousin has thicker straighter hair and did the same thing to make her hair not fall out or not as frizzy. This method did not work for her but she changed the method around by only using olive oil and vitamin e oil and using it only 2 times a week plus still shampooing and conditioning her hair each time. Plus she used only all natural shampoo and conditioner and I didn’t. This method may work for some women and may not work for most. It may be bullshit to some but not all. So quit bitching and find your own method and get to work and then share! 🙂
Well said 🙂 x
Except it works… So there’s that
Worked for me
That’s great to know Jen!
I have just started doing this today! Will keep you updated on whether or not it has worked for me!
Yes, Please Do!! Be sure to share, pin and comment on our other post.
You people are so mean. Every woman’s body is different, so everything may work differently for certain women. I have curly thin hair and it falls out easily. Nothing worked for me until I started to use coconut oil and olive oil and I would massage it in and only shampoo my hair when rinsing it out. I would only condition my hair if I didn’t use the oils before showering. And I would only wash my hair every other day. My hair grew a inch every 3 weeks and this is the best its been. My cousin has thicker straighter hair and did the same thing to make her hair not fall out or not as frizzy. This method did not work for her but she changed the method around by only using olive oil and vitamin e oil and using it only 2 times a week plus still shampooing and conditioning her hair each time. Plus she used only all natural shampoo and conditioner and I didn’t. This method may work for some women and may not work for most. It may be bullshit to some but not all. So quit bitching and find your own method and get to work and then share! 🙂
I guess some people just don’t have class. Never heard the old saying: If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all? No one said that you HAVE to do this. If it’s not your thing, move on.
Everyone must calm down please. I’m a licensed cosmetologist and hair Stylist. And it is a proven fact that hair is dead blood cells. by hanging you head upside down and adding stimulation to the scalp can produce longer hair. Main word being CAN. Every single body is different. Density thickness all major factors. Your hair roughly grows 1/2 “a month. Now some grow a 1/2″ in 2 months others grow 1 1/2” in a month, it verys. Also look at the brand nioxen. Perfect example. One of my gf’s tried this didn’t work as well as she thought. Tried nioxen she was thrilled. (She had hair loss around her temples from child birth). Now I have used nioxen I didn’t notice an effect but once every 2 month I have don’t this method and I liked it. Everyone verys. 🙂 (weight loss for one person will not work for another.)
I started this last week. I used olive oil, honey, and one egg and mixed it together and applied to my hair using the inversion method and massaging. I did this every other night for 7 days. At the end of the week I had 1 noticeable inch of growth. I will definitely keep doing this every other week. Everyone’s hair is different so it may give you not as good results as mine, or it might be better. Please try it before accusing it of not working. I honestly didn’t think it would but I am very surprised.
I’m glad this worked for you!
I’m going to try this and let you know the results. I’ve been trying to grow my hair for a couple months now and I want to try something. It grows so slow and want long hair for my senior year. So I’ll try this and let you know what happens and if it works. ?
If you don’t like a post on your feed, there’s an unfollow tab. Just move along haters. No sense in acting like trash.
Now back to the topic, I am a cosmetologist and also certified in pharmacy, studying in organic and natural oils. This method will work for most. And if it doesn’t, then the oils will make your hair Shiney and soft. Most natural oils will not weigh the hair down either. Also, it’s better for you. Good luck. 🙂
It won’t hurt trying, so why not?
So u do this every night even tho u may have products such as hair spray, gels, or other products in ur hair already??? From what I have read in several of the posts already, it’s not good for your hair to wash it often..
Yes, for 7 days out of the month. It shouldn’t matter if you have any additional products in your hair. As far as washing your hair often, I wash mine about every three days. Now When I say wash I only mean wash with conditioner only. A lot of times if you wash your hair a few times a week with shampoo the ingredients will strip the natural oils away from the hair. This will cause it to be dull or dry. Water is actually beneficial to the hair.
I’m not for sure what type of hair you have, but if you are of African descent and have a relaxer, then yes, you’re right. Washing the hair more than once a week is not good for the hair.
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I’m a living witness that the inversion method does work because it works for me. Nobody said you would get the same effect because everyone is different but if you do it 7 day’s straight like your told ,it does work and I use coconut oil.
I’m glad this method worked for you! I’m don’t do it monthly, but I do use this method a few times out of the year
I just got a bad hair cut and am trying to grow the two inches i cut off back as quick as possible. I tried this last night and am planning to do it for the next six day. For those of you who have tried it, have you atleast grown an inch in a week?
I’ll definitely try this.i need to grow my hair back soo baaad.i just had a big chopp.
Hi, I started massaging coconut oil into my hair as of yesterday. I’m going to try this method for a month (plus trimming my hair every now and then) and see how things go. Wish me luck!
We hope it works for you!! You have to let us know your results!!!
Coco Bates
Great advice!! Good luck!!
good luck!
All the best let me knowsay how it goes
I have a thick African hair and dry as well, do I need to increase the quantity of oil and can I mix Shea butter to the oil?
There are many variations of this growth recipe. Feel free to tailor it to what you think your needs might be 🙂
I have a problem with my hair scalp as it produces too much oil so I was wondering if I applied that method, what could happen to my hair?
How much oil should I put in my hair?
How much oil should I put in my hair?
Just enough to moisturize your scalp without it being drenched with oil
Hey I tried this or should I say I’ve been trying this for 2 months. My methods are a bit different though. Instead of just oil, I use a little water, a little jojoba oil, a little vitamin E oil and Aloe Vera juice, mix it all in a spray bottle and spritz my scalp lightly with it. Massage my scalp Then I do the inversion. It’s been very good!!! Not only have I observed 2 inches of growth, my hair is thicker and I have much less shedding.
I have natural African hair so I only wash once a week. I do it in the mornings cos I wear my hair out and that way it doesn’t get damp and smelly.
As for the negative comments, if you don’t want to try something, all well and good but don’t knock it with your negativity.
By the way, you said any doctor would laugh in your face for this. Well guess what? I’ve been a practicing medical doctor for 12 years with a certificate in Trichology and a Masters in Medicine safety and I say YOU ARE WRONG! ?Thank you
Hi Nnenna!! Thank you for trying this and leaving such an honest review. The method sounds too good to be true, but there’s science to back the inversion method up! Thanks again for reading this article!
-xoxo, Coco Bates
I will try this and get back to you.
ok ,my question is ,can this method work for african hair ,i really want to try it out,if not it wont hurt not to