Wine is already perfect enough, but what’s even better is a wine delivery service that is giving out free, YES, FREE!, boxes of wine to each customer that signs up for the wine club. Le Grand Verre offers French-craft wines in glass sized bottles that gives you the option of trying a variety of wines each month.
Claim Your FREE Wine Delivery HERE!
I enjoy being able to discover different types of wines, however, I am the furthest thing away from a self-dubbed wine connoisseur. I usually stick to Merlot’s, not because that’s my favorite type of wine, but because it’s the only type of wine that I feel comfortable with ordering. Back in my college years, my female dormmates and I would sneak up bottles of merlot to the common areas and would sip it over conversations and laughs while eating our fair share of unhealthy snacks. At the time, I’m pretty sure we thought that drinking merlot was a very “adult” thing to do. Fast forward to present day, to my real adult life where responsibilities, bills, and repaying back my student loans are are the norm, buying and ordering merlot has been the only type of wine that I’ve drank until I discovered Le Grand Verre’s wine delivery service. One sip at a time, this wine delivery service is helping me to discover new varieties of wines at the fraction of the cost.
Le Grand Verre is a wine delivery service that gives customers an assortment of 4 different wines to choose from each month. This wine delivery company lets you customize your box based on your preference. You can choose to have a mixed, red only, or a white & rose assortment wine box to be delivered to you. Your wine delivery box can be upgraded by adding 4 refills or by adding 12 refills.

For those that are feeling more adventurous with their wine choices, Le Grand Verre offers 12 thematic wine boxes such as Chocolate Delight, which are four different wines that pairs exceptionally well with chocolate or that have chocolate notes.
With each monthly delivery, Le Grand Verre is assisting me in broadening my wine palette by discovering new and refreshing wines.