We’ve all been there before where eating healthy is all good until you get to work. You get hungry or you get bored and you snack and then go back to snack some more. It can get hard at times when you’re trying to loose weight or trying to be overall healthy. Snacking at work and throughout your day is where you consume most of your calories. While you’re at work you’ll probably have a bag of lays potato chips (150 calories), 1 regular size bag of peanut M&M’s (250 calories) and maybe even a 20 ounce size of coke (240 calories). You plan on going to the gym afterwards so it’s not a big deal to you because you’ll burn it off. Unfortunately, it doesn’t quite work like that. You’ve just consumed 640 empty calories that are filled with saturated and trans fats.
“An average 30-minute workout burns 140 to 295 calories, depending on the intensity of the activity and your body weight. That means you may need to work out longer than an hour to expend 600 calories.” (livestrong.com)
You have to not only work out longer than an hour, but you have to burn away the calories from all of the other food and drinks you’ve consumed. When you break down your food portions that way all of those unhealthy snack aren’t worth it.
Begin stacking your drawers with healthy and beneficial snacks. These will keep you full for a longer period of time as well as aiding in weight management. Multi-grain or whole wheat crackers contains beneficial fiber. Fiber reduces the risk for type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Multi-grain crackers are also a great source for vitamin B, which assist in deriving energy from your diet, and iron, which allows you to produce functional red blood cells. Packing fruits and veggies are a sure way to stay full throughout the day. I enjoy snacking on edemame, bananas, squash, cucumber, berries and apples. For an added benefit I sometimes dip my fruit or veggies in peanut butter for protein. If you feel like you need more of a crunch substance try adding nuts with low fat content such as walnuts, almonds, pecans and cashews. These nuts contains antioxidants, are a great source for protein and has healthy monounsaturated fats. Greek yogurt is also a great source for protein. It is high in potassium, B-12 and probiotics, which assist in keeping your body’s bacteria levels regular. Also, it’s always important to constantly drink water throughout the day. I carry the daily 8 water jug with me to work. Although it looks a little obnoxious, your body will thank you. It not only helps in keeping you full longer when you drink it throughout the day and a few gulps before and after you eat, but it will assist in keeping your skin clear, flushes out harmful toxins and keeps your skin, hair and nails moisturized.
Say bye-bye to all of those devilish snacks you’ve been eating. After you’ve revamped your snacking habits, eating and maintaining a healthier diet will become second nature.
How do ya’ll like to maintain your healthy eating habits while at work?