It’s important for women, especially in fashion industry, to be comfortable with their body type. Have you ever felt pressured to look a certain size to fit in with the fashion world?
All the time. It took me awhile to feel comfortable in my own skin. I’m a curvy girl, so I learned to dress for my body type and once I learned what worked for me and what didn’t I began to feel more comfortable.
You have great style and enjoy mixing low and high priced items. Can you let us in on some of your shopping tips and secrets?
My biggest tip is to consider thrifting. I love going to thrift stores and just zoning out and finding unique things that I can add to my wardrobe. My favorite thrift store is buffalo exchange. Another thing I suggest is saving on the trends and splurging on basics. Basics will last you a lifetime, but the latest hot trend doesn’t. It’s probably going to be over with in a couple of months anyway.
What are a few of your favorite shopping destinations?
Lately, I’ve loved shopping in Brooklyn Heights. There are so many boutiques there with unique clothing that I identify with. Another place I love to shop is Soho. Whenever I’m there I have to stop into Intermix, Zara, and TopShop to see what’s new.
As far as beauty is concerned, what are some of your “must have” products?
No matter what, I always have to have a great foundation. I’m currently using the Nars Sheer Glow, which I love! I also must have a great liquid liner. I rarely ever wear eye shadow but I always wear winged liner.
What inspired the behind the musical notes tattoo on your lower leg? Do you sing?
I have been dancing since I was around 4 years old so for my 18th birthday my mother took me to get the tattoo on my ankle. It’s ballet slippers on my foot, and music notes that wrap around my ankle. I dance ballet, jazz, hip hop, modern, and tap. I sing for fun. It’s a great stress reliever.
What song currently describes your life?
Roar, by Katy Perry. I’ve finally come to a point in my life where I’m living fearlessly and doing what’s best for me. It’s such a liberating experience. I used to be shy and timid about putting myself out there but now that I’ve gained confidence great things are happening. I feel so much more confident shooting my fashion posts and YouTube videos.
What’s a fashion tip you feel all women should adhere by?
All women should try to find their own personal style. It’s ok to follow trends, but always make it your own. A woman with a great personal style always stands out in a crowded room.
Lastly, what is the best life related advice you’ve received?
The best life related advice I’ve ever gotten was from my mom. On a daily basis she reminds me not to be so critical of myself. She always reminds me that if I think something is right that I should go with it. The opinions of others should not matter. It’s now something I try to live my life by. Self-confidence is so important.
Visit Tiffany: The Allure Diaries