Lucky Bamboo
Lucky Bamboo originates from southeast Asia and Africa and has been used for 5,000 years in the practice of feng shui. The leaves of the plant can grow up to one inch per month. Lucky bamboo is not an actual bamboo plant, but is a member of the lilly family. It has been used as good fortune in many Asian cultures. Chinese legend states that lucky bamboo can bring one good luck, prosperity, wealth, and happiness. Because of where it originates from, it makes a great indoor plant for your home or office. It improves feng shui and creates a space where you feel safe and more energized. “Feng Shui is the ancient practice of bringing the natural elements of water, fire, earth, wood, and metal into balance in our surroundings.”(Source) This is stated to produce greater harmony and a more positive life experience.
Lucky bamboo is a low maintenance plant. It prefers an indoor, low-light environment away from direct sunlight and grows fine with distilled or purified water.
The sweet and pleasant smell of the jasmine plant assists in soothing a stressed mind. Jasmine is known as the couple’s plant because it is said to attract positive energy to strengthen and build romance in a relationship. It’s recommended to have this plant in areas of the house where couples spend the most time such as the living room or bedroom. The jasmine plant produces tiny white or yellow fragrant flowers.
Place the jasmine plant in a well lit room that has good air circulation. The airy circulation helps promote showy white winter blooms. Plant your jasmine in soil and be sure to keep the soil moist and not soggy when watering.
The lavender plant is known for its calming beauty, floral fragrance, and its multiple uses. The Lavender plant is not only great for its medicinal and culinary properties, but it’s also great for boosting your mood by bringing calm energy. Lavender is often used for aroma therapy to sooth headaches, tension, stress and to aid with sleep and relaxation.
Although lavender can be grown indoors, it takes quite a bit of effort to get your plant to thrive while indoors. There are many different varieties of lavender that hail form different regions of the world. The French Lavender plant is a variety that’s easier to tolerate for indoors. For the optimal thriving condition for indoors the potted plant must be kept near sunlight and must have a frequent fresh air supply. If your home isn’t adequate with sunlight, then broad spectrum plant bulbs can be used as a replacement. Water your plant frequently, but be sure not to over water it.
There are over 25,000 naturally existing orchid varieties that originate on every single continent, minus Antarctica. They are one of the longest living plants and have one of he longest living blooms. Ancient Greeks deemed certain orchids to be aphrodisiacs and associated the flower with fertility and vertility. The Aztecs were known for drinking a mixture of vanilla orchid flowers mixed with chocolate to give them strength. In China, traditional Chinese medicine uses orchids to cure coughs and a variety of lung illnesses. According to feng shui, the orchid is another plant that brings positive energy. It is stated that the orchid will improve the energy of the indoor space it’s in as well as its owners, both spiritually and physically. Orchids absorb carbon dioxide and releases oxygen at night, which makes it a great flowering plant for your bedroom.
Orchids are fairly easy to care for. Keep the soil moist with water, but be sure to let the soil drain well in between waterings. They require shallow planting and should be placed in indirect sunlight.
The sage plant is native to the Mediterranean region. Many types of sage has been used as substitutes for tea. Sage is closely related to the rosemary herb. Throughout history many people used sage to assist with health conditions and to boost their overall health such as alleviating skin conditions, regulating digestion, insect and reptile bite treatments, and boosting female fertility. For thousands of years many ancient cultures such as the Native Americans, the Indigenous Peoples of the Amazon, and the Ancient Celtics frequently smudged, a ritual of burning herbs. Many cultures continue the process of smudging with sage to increase their spiritual awareness, to ward off negative energies, and to increase their wisdom and clarity. Many people often smudge the interiors of their homes or offices and before engaging in a spiritual practice such as yoga or meditation.
Sage is a fairly easy plant to grow while it’s potted indoors. Sage plants requires lots of sunlight for at least six to eight hours per day. Place your potted plant by a sunlit window or use broad spectrum plant bulbs to mock the sun’s rays. Water your sage as needed by letting the top inch of soil dry out in between waterings.
English Ivy
The English Ivy is native to England, Ireland, the Mediterranean, and parts of western Europe. Throughout time and currently today, the English Ivy plant has built an infamous reputation for being an aggressive invader. When the English Ivy plant is allowed to grow unchecked it can destroy trees and other vegetation and green life by blocking the sunlight needed in order for plants and vegetation to thrive. When grown on trees, overtime the added weight from the vines and lack of photosynthesis causes trees to deteriorate and eventually die. Today, the English Ivy makes a great house plant because of its ability to remove benzene from the air, it reduces mold, formaldehyde, and fecal properties. For indoors the English Ivy is considered one of the best house plants because of its potent air purifying properties.
The English Ivy is one of the easiest indoor plants to take care of. The plant can thrive in partial shade to bright sunlit areas and can be watered as needed.