Reflections are everywhere and sometimes the world doesn’t reflect our children and their interest. Self-love becomes key and essential in a world that is challenging and it is never too early to learn and be taught. Early on I learned that the world is ruthless and if you lack the confidence to stand in it then it will have no mercy for you, self-love is one of the best ways to arm yourself. I am now a mother and one of the most important missions in my parenting is promoting self-love and self-confidence in my child so they will be aware of who they are. Below is a list of a few key ways to teach and promote self-love in your child.
- Love Yourself
The best way to teach any positive reinforcements to a child is to role model them. You as their parent, role model, and teacher must show them the ways that you love yourself.
- Show Them Appreciation
Your child has days that are challenging on them just as a parent has days that are challenging. Give them hugs and let them know that you appreciate them and all that they do, let them know whenever there is an opportunity that they are doing a good job.
- Give Them Positive Phrases to Say
Teaching your child to say good things about themselves allows them to speak positively about themselves and increase self-positivity and self-confidence.
- Teach Them “I Can”
When your child says that they “can’t” do something, quickly redirect that negative thought with telling them that they are capable and that they “can” do whatever they put their minds to.
- Allow Room For Mistakes, and Forgive.
Allow them room to make a mistake and learn from it and instead of blowing up about it, do your best to let it go and forgive them. This will show them that sometimes mistakes are okay and that they shouldn’t beat themselves up about it.